

arg!() can be used to get argument and collect to Vec<String>
as_to!() can be used to convert type
convert binary string to decimal
run command
deduped_sorted!() can be used to return sorted and deduped new Vec, type can be Vec<i32> Vec<i64> Vec<i128> Vec<f32> Vec<f64>
has stable rust nightly return bool
has stable rust compiler return bool
input!() can be used to get user input from terminal
expr return max value
expr return memory address
expr return min value
multiply_matrix!() return the mutiply result of two matrix take two matrix and type can be Vec<Vec<f64>> return Vec<f64>
powf!(a,b) can be used to a to the power of b
read_csv!() can be used to read .csv file and return Vec<Vec<String>>
remove_file_or_folder!() used to remove file or folder
snail_sort!() return the array elements arranged from outermost elements to the middle element, traveling clockwise.n x n type can be Vec<Vec<T>> return Vec<T>
sorted!() can be used to return sorted new Vec, type can be Vec<i32> Vec<i64> Vec<i128> Vec<f32> Vec<f64>
split_to_vec!() can be used to a:&str split by b:&str and collect to Vec<String>
vec_element_clone!() used to when occure cannot move out of index of Vec<String> move occurs because value has type String, which does not implement the Copy trait
vec_element_convert!() used convert vec elements type
vec_element_parse!() can be used to parse a vec element to type need a Vec<&str>,parse type return Vec<type>
vec_element_position_all!() used to find element position and collect into Vec
vec_element_remove!() used to find the element fist position and remove if not fond the element return original vec type can be Vec<i32> Vec<i64> Vec<i128> Vec<f32> Vec<f64>,Vec<&str> return return the same type
vec_element_remove_all!() used to find the element all position and remove if not fond the element return original vec type can be Vec<i32> Vec<i64> Vec<i128> Vec<f32> Vec<f64>,Vec<&str> return return the same type
take size of elements and return a new vec
vec_element_to_string!() used to convert vec item to String, type can be Vec<i32> Vec<i64> Vec<i128> Vec<f32> Vec<f64>,Vec<&str> return Vec<String>
enumerate all indexs and elements collect tuple of vec
merge two vec return merged vec
vec_slice!() used to slice vec by range return return the same type sliced vec
sort vec and return sorted vec
vec_type!() used to get vec type return format!(“{}”,type);
zip two vec elements in tuple